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How Intermittent Fasting “Healed” My Broken Metabolism and Shed My Pounds

I could never imagine my current link to intermittent fasting if I hadn’t suffered from the nightmare in the hospital.

A Bad Beginning

My daughter’s wedding ceremony should have been one of my proudest moments as a father, walking my sweet angel Natalie down the aisle on her wedding day. Instead, it was about to turn into a life-shattering nightmare.

I was sent to the hospital for amputation and severe artery damage. There was hardly any blood flow to my legs, according to the doctor on that day.

I’m James, and my uncontrollable blood sugar almost destroyed my life, my family…everything I held dear.

Intermittent Fasting Saving My Life

Yet, to the amazement of my doctors within a few short weeks, I was able to “reset” my blood sugar and restore my glucose to perfectly healthy levels without diet or exercise, without painful injections, and without the crushingly expensive medications that would have driven me into bankruptcy.

I did it thanks to a completely safe and natural plan called intermittent fasting which I’m going to share with you in this article.

Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle eating pattern with many methods. Its principle is very simple, and it is acceptable physiologically. It is also called the “metabolic braking” method, which means that the body functions are always in a high-speed operation state, and the brakes take a break for a while, and then start to work after a complete rest.

One of the advantages of intermittent fasting lies in its easiness allowing me to keep on my lifestyle because any intermittent fasting plan can be picked to be compatible with a lifestyle. Moreover, no food limit is set within an intermittent fasting plan and I could still enjoy what I loved to eat.

Back to Track

This easy, but shockingly powerful meal plan was the key to reversing my high blood sugar and sending my type 2 diabetes into remission. And now, I feel like I’m in my early 30s again, looking like my younger, thinner self all because intermittent fasting healed my “broken” metabolism and forced my body to rapidly shed 62 pounds. I thank God every day for giving me this second chance at life. Now I believe he wants me to share these blessings and pay them forward. So, while my story is extremely personal and embarrassing at times, I believe it is my duty to share it with you.

What I’m about to show you radically transformed not only my health but also my marriage and my family life. My wife Julie and I love each other more deeply than ever. I’m enjoying a closer relationship with my children now that we can enjoy our favorite activities again. I’m even keeping up with my rambunctious grandson.

I started to carefully feel my body while I was eating and fasting. During my meals, I focus on the really “good” foods, and I’d like to cook at home. Natalie recommended me an app called SOON reminding me when to start and end fasting and how to do fasting in a professional and easy way. I love it! I am able to do fasting without any thinking or calculation.

As hellish as my near-death experience was, it sent me on an unexpected journey that led to a breakthrough discovery about the real underlying root cause of high blood sugar, excess belly fat, unexplained weight gain, and all of the debilitating problems that come with it. This discovery led me to intermittent fasting that incinerated 62 pounds of ugly, health-destroying belly fat, while finally balancing my blood sugar and reversing my type 2 diabetes.

I was rescued from an imminent death sentence… and today, thousands of men and women around the world are using this same plan to support healthy blood sugar and reclaim control over their lives.

Embracing Freedom

This means freedom.

It could even be the freedom to wear the clothes you want, like the dress you used to look great in, but it’s been hidden away in the back of your closet until you can slim down, or slipping into one of your favorite bathing suits again, and instead of covering up out of shame, you glow with confidence. Best of all, you’ll be free to enjoy every day in radiant health, knowing your best days are still yet to come.

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