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Which intermittent Fasting Method Suits You? A Simple Quiz Saves All!

A majority would like to try intermittent fasting for effortless and low-cost weight loss and body health, but they always halt at the first step since they usually feel vague about which fasting plan should be selected and followed for top results.

But a simple quiz saves ALL!

Note: Before trying intermittent fasting, it’s optimal to consult your doctor though the effects of intermittent fasting have been testified by medical experts via experiments and true cases. Some doctors even cure patients through intermittent fasting like Doctor Jason Fung. Nevertheless, each differs and your doctor’s advice for you should be carefully considered.

Your essential aim directs you to different routes.

Before doing a quiz about fasting plans, it’s best to ask yourself “Why do I do intermittent fasting?”. Generally speaking, the answers to such a question include:

  1. Lose Weight for Good
  2. Get Healthy for Good

Both above choices are not totally independent and internal relevance is available. Some people are suffering from illnesses just because of the overweight and weight loss also leads to health.

To answer such a question, you should clarify which route you want to follow with intermittent fasting. You should find the essential aim or impetus for intermittent fasting. If your extra weight keeps upsetting you, option A is your answer; if your health problems are your top concern, option B is your answer.

What elements should be contained in a fasting plan quiz?

A professional quiz aiming for an ideal fasting plan should include the following elements.

Biological Gender

Your biological gender plays a role in your body composition, metabolism and nutritional needs from food all of which affect the efficiency of your intake and digestion. A biological gender is helpful to filter those top unrelated elements.


Don’t be nervous! No specific age isn’t required but an age range is OK. An adolescent surely follows a different pace from a person in 60s.

📚📖See Also: How to Choose an Intermittent Fasting Plan by Age

Current Height and Weight

The IBM index indicates how exactly fat or thin you are. It determines the speed your weight can be cut within the right domain.

📚📖See Also: How to Choose an Intermittent Fasting Schedule Based on BMI

Routine Meals Time

Intermittent fasting is beneficial for weight loss because it manages your diet time but doesn’t limit your diet. No matter how many meals you have a day, there’s always a fasting plan working perfectly on you. The specific mealtimes should be provided so that the optimal fasting plan can be customized without affecting your ordinary life.

Dietary Habit

Intermittent fasting never invades your dietary habit and just works with it. No matter what dietary habit is followed like keto or vegan, there must be a fasting plan compatible with all the requirement of your diet.

Medical Conditions

That is very important, actually. Some illnesses call for special treatment and chronic medicine and fasting plans vary based on all related elements. If you’re suffering from illnesses like Type 1 or 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, PCOS, eating disorder, etc., you should submit all the real situations. Besides, the quiz also needs to include your special nutrition needs.

A Simple 3-Min Quiz Helping You with a Fasting Plan

Here comes an intermittent fasting quiz based on which the best diet plan can be summarized by yourself. For more guidance, complete a quiz on SoonFasting to customize a fasting plan that really works with you.

  1. What are your primary goals for intermittent fasting?
    1. Weight loss
    2. Improved overall health and well-being
    3. Muscle gain and body composition
    4. Disease prevention or management
  2. Your gender is ______.
    1. Female
    2. Male
    3. Prefer not to say
  3. Are you pregnant? (Note: intermittent fasting is never fit for pregnant women)
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
  4. Your birthday is ______.
  5. Your current height is ______ (CM/FT). 
  6. Your current weight is ______ (KG/LBS).
  7. Your ideal weight is ______ (KG/LBS).
  8. Do you have medical conditions?
    1. Type 1 diabetes
    2. Type 2 diabetes
  9. Current/History eating disorder (e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa)
    1. PCOS
    2. High blood pressure
    3. Increased nutritional need (e.g. Post-surgical procedure, chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
    4. Other conditions
  10. What cause unintentional weight gain?
    1. Intimate relationship
    2. Working pressure
    3. Giving birth
    4. Diseases
  11. What is your activity level?
    1. Sedentary
    2. Lightly active
    3. Moderately active
    4. Very active
  12. How busy is your daily schedule?
    1. I need a flexible approach that allows me to eat every day within a specific time window.
    2. I can manage longer fasting periods on a few specific days each week.
  13. Have you ever done fasting?
    1. Never
    2. Yes, from time to time
    3. Expert
  14. As only you can, which pace would you prefer?
    1. Slow and steady wins the race.
    2. Between the slow and fast.
    3. As fast as possible.
  15. How long are you comfortable with fasting periods?
    1. Less than 12 hours
    2. 12-16 hours
    3. 16-20 hours
    4. More than 20 hours
  16. How important is flexibility in your eating schedule?
    1. Very important, I prefer a flexible eating window.
    2. Moderately important, I can adhere to a specific eating schedule.
    3. Not important, I can stick to a strict fasting and eating routine.
  17. How comfortable are you with consuming all your calories within a short eating window?
    1. Not comfortable, I prefer spreading my meals throughout the day.
    2. Somewhat comfortable, but I prefer a slightly longer eating window.
    3. Very comfortable, I can consume my daily calories within a few hours.
  18. How important is it for you to have social flexibility during meal times?
    1. Very important, I want to be able to eat with friends and family.
    2. Moderately important, but I can make adjustments when needed.
    3. Not important, I’m willing to prioritize my fasting schedule over social events.
  19. How would you describe your current eating habits?
    1. I frequently snack throughout the day.
    2. I eat three meals a day with occasional snacks.
    3. I tend to skip meals or have irregular eating patterns.
  20. Do you have any specific dietary restrictions or preferences?
    1. Yes, I follow a specific diet (e.g., vegan, keto, etc.).
    2. No, I have no specific restrictions or preferences.

Now, let’s tally up your answers and determine the best intermittent fasting method for you:

Mostly A’s: Time-Restricted Eating (e.g., 14/10 or 16/8) would be suitable for you as it allows for a moderate fasting period and a flexible eating window that aligns with your current habits and preferences.

Mostly B’s: 16/8 or 18/6 would be a good choice for you, providing a moderate fasting period and a defined eating window that balances flexibility and structure.

Mostly C’s: The 20/4 or Warrior Diet may be the best fit for you, as it involves a longer fasting period and a shorter eating window that allows for more significant metabolic and physiological changes.

Mostly D’s: If you’re looking for more advanced fasting techniques, such as alternate-day fasting or extended fasting, consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure it aligns with your specific health goals and needs.

Remember, this quiz provides general guidance, and it’s important to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice before starting any new fasting regimen. To get personalized advice and tailored fasting guidance, you can also download a intermittent fasting app, which can help you find your right fasting plan and provide tools to track your progress.

A Summarized Fasting Plan List (Which Plan Best Fits for Whom)

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