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Why Spring Doubles Your Weight Loss and Fasting Result

The start of new things is what spring is all about.

The time is right to make a shift for the better and begin your new life. As the first warm spring days appear, everyone wants to get rid of bulky excess clothing such as warm sweaters, awkward jackets, and scarves since it keeps you from feeling light and free. But the most crucial step is to promptly emerge from your “winter slumber” and devote the majority of your daily activities to the process of losing weight. Fortunately, spring seems like the best season to lose weight due to its unique abilities and magic.

6 Reasons Why Spring is The Best Time for You To Lose Weight

Surely everyone has heard the saying “Timing is everything”? When it comes to weight loss, that is never more true. Additionally, you are right in the ideal season of the year for weight loss, with spring just around the corner. The following 6 reasons can be good proof.

You will be more active in spring-the beautiful season.

Let’s face it: when the weather outside is gloomy and chilly, all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a bottle of wine and stream Netflix. But as the days grow longer and the temperature rises, you can’t help but feel the urge to “go out to see the beautiful scenery and seize the day to enjoy spring!” You can just go for a walk outside whenever you choose and take in the beautiful, spring scenery thanks to the longer, warmer days. Besides, when you go out for colorful activities in spring, you can also burn calories, which is also a big promotion for weight loss.

You will feel less hungry when the temperature rises.

According to a study published in 2022, dieting is seasonal and reaches peak intensity during spring, which means that you will feel less hungry and eat less during spring, which is an extra helper for those doing intermittent fasting for weight loss. In fact, the heat produced by your bodily processes, such as digestion, requires effort to remove. In an effort to lower the body’s workload while it’s hot outside, people typically eat less often.

You will burn more calories as the temperature rises.

When it turns into spring, the overall temperature will rise and you will burn more calories if you exercise in a comparatively warm environment. As a result of the increased physical demands during exercise, your body temperature rises. Your body has a precise temperature management mechanism that causes sweating and heat to be released into the atmosphere in order to prevent overheating. Exercise makes your body work harder to cool itself, burning more calories. This is especially true if the surroundings are already warm.

You will get a better mood in spring.

It is common knowledge that mood and weather are directly related. A type of transient depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can be brought on in the most severe cases by gloomy winter days. People who have SAD may seek extra carbs and exercise less, which increases their risk of weight gain. But in spring, does the sunnier day outside make you feel happier? When it’s warm outside, you’re usually happier and don’t have the intense wintertime desires for fatty, greasy foods. Additionally, while you’re feeling upbeat, you might be more likely to persuade yourself to go to the gym or to refrain from overindulging in fro-yo toppings.

The sunshine will help your body generate vitamin D.

When you leave work and it’s still light outside, have you ever experienced that feeling? Sunshine helps your body produce Vitamin D and does more than just warm your heart. According to a research published online on 2019 Aug 28, obesity and other aspects of the dysmetabolic state caused by obesity are highly correlated with Vitamin D insufficiency. So, restoring your Vitamin D levels can aid in weight loss more effectively than diet and exercise alone if you are deficient in it from spending too much time indoors.

Springtime brings a bounty of green vegetables, and eating greens help you lose weight.

A fruit or vegetable leaf has a stronger effect on lowering your insulin levels, which aids in fat burning, the greener the leaf, the more potent it is. Arugula, artichokes, spinach, watercress, and berries with green leaves are just a few examples of seasonal vegetables that are at their peak in the spring. Moreover, parties in the spring and summer are more likely to include cold salads, chicken and shrimp kabobs, and a lot of fruit including watermelon, berries, and stone fruits. Of course, ice cream and cheeseburgers can still be consumed in excess. But choosing nutritious foods is much easier now since there are so many lighter options available.

Simple Tips to Double Your Fasting Result in Spring

The greatest time to fast, if you’re doing it for health reasons, is still in the spring.

After the winter, it makes sense to cleanse the body and lose weight to make it easier to enjoy summer activities. Since spring is the best season to lose weight, then how to do intermittent fasting better in spring?

If you choose to fast this spring, it is crucial to start slowly and with preparation. It is advisable to check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to fast before you start. Reduce your calorie consumption for a week prior to the fast rather than starting it immediately. After the fast is over, gradually start eating again, beginning with fruits and vegetables is a good idea. And here are also some tips for doubling your fasting results in spring.

Tip#1. It’s natural and easy to limit calorie consumption in spring.

If you exercise in a generally warm atmosphere, the overall temperature will rise and you will burn more calories. So, if you can limit the calorie at the same time, it can become easier for you to lose weight. To better control your calorie intake, you can eat small and light meals. For breakfast, a typical fast-day menu would consist of 3 tbsp (or 40 g) of greek yogurt, 50 blueberries, and a kiwi. Then, for lunch, you might take a cup (or 236 ml) of potato and leek soup. Prepare ratatouille for dinner at last!

Tip#2. People tend to drink more water in spring – the more water consumption, the more fat burning.

The body attempts to maintain homeostasis when the temperature rises by increasing sweat production to control core body temperature. These days, you will lose more water through breathing, digestion, sweating, etc. Therefore, hydration is more crucial in spring. “Dilution is the answer to pollution.” A simple morning ritual of drinking 2-4 cups of warm or room-temperature water might encourage the body’s natural urges for bowel movements, urine, and nasal discharge. To stay hydrated throughout the day, follow up on the morning’s initial few cups with an additional 8 glasses.

Tip#3. It’s easy to boost your vitality and enthusiasm in spring – a great mood supports you to stick to one thing for a long time.

Spring is a new start for everyone! As the temperature rises in spring, you are more willing to go out to enjoy the beautiful scenes. Additionally, everything coming back to life and blooming flowers can surely arouse your energy and enthusiasm. When you participate in more outdoor activities for boosting your vitality and mood, more calories will be burnt and weight loss can come more quickly and easily. With intermittent fasting going on, you must be different and new yourself!

Tip#4. It’s handy to consume more healthy and green fruits and vegetables in spring and they are beneficial for fasting.

A safe and nutritious strategy to lose weight or maintain weight while encouraging intermittent fasting is to consume more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, and legumes. It just so happens that spring is the peak season for fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables, however, do have some calories, while having fewer calories than many other foods. By adding fruits and vegetables to your regular diet, you are increasing your calorie intake and running the risk of gaining weight. Substitution is the secret. Replace additional high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables.

Tip#5. It’s easy to develop a good habit and lifestyle in spring – so kickstart fasting in spring!

Fasting is not an isolated experience; it is a significant life shift that will inevitably have an impact on and be interconnected with other facets of your daily life. Because of this, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re living healthfully and caring for your bodily and mental well-being while on your fast. The simple things are where to start: A healthy lifestyle includes getting a good night’s rest each night, monitoring your stress and anxiety levels, as well as your overall mental health; and being active, sociable, and intellectually stimulating. And it can be well started in spring as everything starts in spring!

Final Words

With all the rain and flowers, spring must be the best time of year. More importantly, spring is also the perfect time for you to lose weight due to the above reasons. Let’s enjoy the beautiful season of sunshine and warmth and take time to listen to your body! Hope everything that you wish will happen in this spring!


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